Are your employees engaged at work?

Employee engagement is a key point for a well-established and profitable business.

It can be seen as the emotional commitment the employee has to the organisation and its goals.

This emotional commitment means that engaged employees actually care about their work and the company they work for. They are not just motivated by their next payday or waiting for the next promotion. They work on behalf of the organisation’s goals.


Taking care of your employee engagement can lead to many benefits for your company in terms of costs and efficiency. In fact, having engaged employees increase general wellbeing at work. The American Psychological Association estimates that more than $500 billion is lost every year due to workplace stress. Employees will feel happier if they feel like they are part of the business and not just working for one.

1 | Boost productivity

According to an Automatic Data Processing report “Employee Engagement: Power Your Bottom Line”, organisations with engaged workers are 18% more productive than their competitors, 12% more profitable and have employees who are 57% more effective and 87% less likely to leave.

2 | Lower your turnover

A high turnover rate costs both money and time to the company. Furthermore, it can also interfere with your daily operations of the business and even affect the company’s overall efficiency. This can even cause a higher, cascading turnover rate throughout the company, at the extreme end (as more people bandwagon).

3 | Lower absences from work

According to a report from Gallup “State of the American Workplace Report” (featuring 195,000 US employees), building good employee engagement can reduce the absence from work by 41%. Engaged employees will make a point of going to work rather than trying to avoid it altogether.

Best practice employee engagement can have many more benefits that you would not even have thought of. For example, it can increase employees’ safety by 70% as employees are committed to adhering to best practices that prevent safety incidents.

Simple ways to boost engagement

Here is a list of simple ideas that you can use to improve your employees engagement:

  • Always put your employees first: don’t forget that there is no business without them;
  • Promote training: show your employees that you give them all the keys to succeed and you care about their growth both personally and professionally;
  • Provide clear career opportunities: it will motivate your employees to be more involved;
  • Ask for realistic and manageable goals: employees will make an effort to reach them without being discouraged;
  • Give them responsibilities: show them that they are useful and you believe in their capacity to do their job;
  • Focus on communication: employees need to know what is going on to feel integrated;
  • Employee engagement surveys: why don’t you just ask them what would make them more engaged? Never underestimate the wealth of ideas they have to share with you and your business!

SourceEngaged Workplaces Are Safer for EmployeesEmployee Engagement: Power Your Bottom LineState of the American Workplace ReportHow To Establish A Culture Of Employee EngagementWhat Is Employee Engagement5 reasons why employee engagement is important14 Benefits of Employee Engagement – Backed By Research.

Talk with us to boost your employee engagement today.
Contact us for a no obligation, complimentary 2 hour consultation to talk over your needs.

5 simple steps towards business efficiency and continuous improvement

Step 1 | Are you looking within?

Don’t be afraid to ask your employees.

First and foremost, you need to take a closer look at your business’s current situation.  Assessing the way you work will help you identify inefficient processes (currently) in your company.

Don’t be afraid to ask your employees. They will be the ones facing ineffectiveness every single day. Never underestimate the wealth of knowledge and ideas they have to share (about your own business!).

At the same time, be aware of what your competitors are up to. Overall knowledge of the market or industry you’re in can really help you understand your weaknesses and gauge what’s working well for them (potential opportunities for your own company) and what’s maybe not so hot.

Step 2 | How can you reduce some of your costs?

Time must be considered as a key factor in cost efficiency.

Reducing your costs doesn’t necessarily mean paying your employees less or scrimping on product quality. In fact, inefficiency costs money as well, AS WELL AS time! Time must be considered as a key factor in cost efficiency. For example, shaving five minutes off a process by making it easier or smoother will increase your performances and reduce your costs in the long-run.

Step 3 | How can you adjust your plan?

Incremental improvements are mostly inexpensive.

Think it out step-by-step. Don’t try to go (too) fast. One small change here and there, one at a time will lower your risk and increase momentum towards the improvement you’ve been planning for. Incremental improvements are mostly inexpensive and easily implemented, relative to large sweeping changes.

Step 4 | How do we measure and gather meaningful feedback?

Constant feedback is an important aspect of the continuous improvement.

As simple as it sounds, improvement means that something has been improved and worked on. You must be able to measure this improvement while using various measures, such as return on investment, employee satisfaction and engagement, customer satisfaction and so on.

Ultimately, constant feedback is an important aspect of the continuous improvement strategy. Keep in mind that an open communication channel during every phase of the process is critical to maintain engagement, at all levels of the company.

Step 5 | Rinse and repeat!

Once you’ve achieved and mapped your initial progress, already start to look for the next thing right away. It’s called “continuous improvement” for a reason: it never stops!


Source: 5 simple ways to build continuous improvement into your businessOperational efficiency6 Principles of the Continuous Improvement Model6 Ways to Make Your Business More Efficient.